
Wow.. who would have thought picking a blog name would be so taxing? I must have spent about 20 minutes thinking about how to name by blog and just kept on coming back to the very lame ”Emmalou’s Blog” title. But isn’t Google a wonderful thing? A quick search brings to a post giving idea’s on how to name your blog and.. 42k Cookie! Why? Well 42k is the distance in a Marathon (it’s actually 42.19 but I’m rounding) and since I started Running to complete a full Marathon is my goal and ”Cookie”s for my love of Baking. Genius, right?

I built this blog for friends and family to keep up with daily goings on. For Family back in England and also new found friends here in California. It’s going to be a mash up of everything from my love of Running and Working out with health and diet tips as well as Baking recipe’s and general activities Steve and I take partake in.

Are you ready? This is going to be fun…

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