I am so excited!! As of the 2nd of November 2015 I was matched with my Running buddy, Shaelynn! ((I’m adding the date because this blog post is really late!).
Signing up for a match is something I had been considering for around 2 years but given the injury I had with my Knee I held off doing so because I didn’t want to be matched and then not be able to Run but at the beginning of 2015 I decided it was time and signed up. The wait had increased somewhat since I first looked into it and took 7-8 months for me to be matched but it was totally worth the wait. Shaelynn is a gorgeous, happy little girl who turned 7 years old on November 7th. Born with Cerebral Palsy she is unable to Run herself so for as long as I can Run I will be dedicating all of my miles to her.