The best pre Workout foods

Being a Fitness Professional one of the more common questions I am asked is ”What should I eat before a workout?”. Well, depending on your workout this does vary slightly but my rule of thumb is always eat light. Eating heavy foods makes you sluggish so you don’t get the most out of your workout. Also, if you are working out first thing in the morning be sure to eat first, it’s very common for food to be missed at this time of day which does you no benefits in the long run. Not having eaten for a good 10 -12 hours overnight your metabolism has slowed, eating will give it that morning kick start you need. Lastly always give at least 30 minutes for food to digest before starting exercise.

With that in mind here are some foods to nosh on pre workout:


* Banana’s. Not only packed full of potassium but also digestible Carbohydrates and are a great source of slow release energy. They’re filling but also not too heavy and ideal for those who workout in the morning.


*Greek Yogurt. You really can’t go wrong eating this any time of day as it’s practically pure Protein. It’s ideal before a long run as it’s easy on the stomach. Add some fresh Berries, a small amount of Oats or Granola and a tiny drizzle of Honey to give you that extra boost.


* Oats / Oatmeal. Contains Fiber which gradually releases Carbohydrates into your bloodstream as well as Vitamin B which converts carbohydrates into energy. These combined keeps your energy levels consistent. Try hot Oatmeal with some sliced fruit to also give you a portion of your 5 a day.


* Wholegrain Bread or Bagel. Ideally consumed before an afternoon workout. A good source of Carbohydrates, add some Protein (for example a couple of slices of Chicken or Turkey) and you have yourself a well balanced pre workout afternoon meal.

What to avoid:

* Fatty foods. Fat leaves the stomach very slowly which will leave you feeling full and contributes to cramping .

*Sugar. Grabbing a handful of Candy may seem like a good idea to give you a quick energy boost but will probably result in a crash mid workout and you don’t want that.

Happy working out!


Let’s get Dirty!!

Mud Run’s have become a big thing I California with numerous different company’s coming up with their own version. Dirty Girl Mud Run is just one one them and as the name would suggest is for Women only and strongly believes in the cause of finding a cure for breast cancer, donating $250,000 to Bright Pink in 2013 to further this mission. Raising money for a good cause and having fun at the same time? I’m in!

Myself and friend Tram decided to do this event almost last minute as doing it together and meeting at the event for the first time last year we had a blast. We’re both the kind of people that love to workout even if it is just a light 5k on a warm October morning.
We both arrived at around 9:30am with our plan to run the 10:30 wave and what with all of the tent hopping to pick up everything included in our registration we made it just in time. The course was fun with multiple obstacles and where I can run a 5k in under 21 minutes this actually took us 75! We Jogged, we Climbed, we Laughed, we battled our fear of heights and we got very dirty!
Comparing to last year I don’t feel this year was quite as good but given the company I was in I still had a great time. If you’re looking at getting into events such as this then Dirty Girl is a good one to start. The Pleasanton location is every year, typically on the last Saturday of October and registration opens up around April time. If you want to take part register early. The earlier you register the better as prices can go up to $100 per person!
Tips for doing such an event:

– Get a team together and come up with a fun name.
– Arrive around 90 minutes before your wave to prepare, take pictures and chill for a bit.
– Take a spare change of clothes and shoes. Also trash bags to put those dirty clothes in.
– Baby wipes, and lot’s of them! Also a towel and small cloth for use in the ”shower” area (this WILL be freezing cold!)
– Do not crawl on your knee’s through the obstacles. The mud is filled with lot’s of tiny little stones that will leave you cut and bruised.
– Don’t take the event too seriously. Who cares if you’re not the most athletic, the fact that you’re taking part is what matters.

And of curse, if you enjoy this type of event here are a few others you might want to check out:

Mud Factor
Kiss Me Dirty
The Color Run
Color in Motion
Roc Race
Hit and Run
Spartan Race (also Spartan Beast)
And for those serious Athletes the Obstacle race of all races… Tough Mudder

Happy Running!



Wow.. who would have thought picking a blog name would be so taxing? I must have spent about 20 minutes thinking about how to name by blog and just kept on coming back to the very lame ”Emmalou’s Blog” title. But isn’t Google a wonderful thing? A quick search brings to a post giving idea’s on how to name your blog and.. 42k Cookie! Why? Well 42k is the distance in a Marathon (it’s actually 42.19 but I’m rounding) and since I started Running to complete a full Marathon is my goal and ”Cookie”s for my love of Baking. Genius, right?

I built this blog for friends and family to keep up with daily goings on. For Family back in England and also new found friends here in California. It’s going to be a mash up of everything from my love of Running and Working out with health and diet tips as well as Baking recipe’s and general activities Steve and I take partake in.

Are you ready? This is going to be fun…